Stylish Man’s Guide to Matching Ties With Dress Shirts

It doesn’t matter who you are and what you wear daily; every man needs to know how to match their ties with dress shirts. That will show that you have an eye for detail and take the situation seriously.

But how do you do that? Continue reading to find out.

Matching Your Tie by Color

First, you should start by matching your tie by color. That has the most significant impact on how your tie looks. But how can you be sure that the tie works well? 

For this, you can use Adobe Color. You can easily find the colors that work well for your shirt with it. All you need to do is add your shirt’s color to the website, and then it will recommend you a color palette.

With it, you could get complementing colors, contrasting, and so much more. So you’ll have many options.

Matching your Tie With Patterns

However, sometimes you need to do more than just match your colors. Sometimes both your tie and shirt have patterns. So what should you do when this happens.

There are no definitive ways to do that! But you should try to contrast your shirt patterns with your tie. So, for example, when you have a shirt with small patterns, you should opt-in with a tie that has big patterns and the other way around.

However, there are some exceptions. For example, having a dress shirt and tie with subtle patterns could work well too. Just look if it’s pleasant to the eye without grabbing your attention.


And that’s how you match your ties with a dress shirt. So all you have to do is follow these two steps, and you’ll have a fantastic outfit ready. However, if you’re looking for some awesome smooth silk ties for men, then I highly suggest you check out Eton Shirts!